From Kapha to Pitta, the Seasons of Ayurveda
Here in the high mountains of Southern California, we’re finally experiencing Spring, and perhaps just dipping our toes into Summer. In Ayurveda, the seasons follow the Doshas. As we go from season to season, we can optimize our health, our mental state and our physical well being by following the ancient science of Ayurveda. So as the lupines emerge from the ground in their lavender splendor and the Paintbrush spread blurry orange waves in the wind, we turn to the Kapha-melting, Pitta-inducing rituals to prepare our body for Summer.
Ayurveda, simply put, is an ancient science of the body that developed around 5,000 years ago. The premise is that if the body is in balance, it’s healthy, but out of balance opens the door for disease. Balance can be undone by eating SAD (Standard American Diet), UPF (Ultra (or Highly) Processed Foods), lack of sleep or poor sleep and other habits or lack of good rituals to keep you in balance in mind, body and soul.
“When diet is wrong, medicine is of no use. When diet is correct, medicine is of no need.”
There are 3 Doshas in Ayurveda: Vata (air, related to all and early winter, dry); Kapha (earth, heavy, related to late winter and spring); Pitta (fire, strong, burning, related to summer). Each of us has one Doshas that’s prominent in our lives. We all have all 3 Doshas to some degree. The Doshas can become out of balance and these imbalances cause things like dry skin, overly oily skin or pungent body odor, lethargy depression, skin rashes, constipation. Anything you can think of that’s not a normal state of health and well being, that’s going to be a Doshas imbalance.
For now, though, let’s just focus on breaking out of the heavy and slow energy of late winter and early spring so we can optimize our summer.
here are a few things you can do to melt away the Kapha energy and move into Pitta.
Move your body
Movement, especially fast movement like running is a great way to get the body moving. I prefer to run for 15 minutes to 1 hour in the morning before breakfast/coffee. This helps get the body prepared for the day, moving all of the stuck energy of sleeping and ensuring the body is ready to receive food. if you had a late or particularly heavy dinner and are not waking up hungry, this is a great way to jump start your metabolism for the day. If running is not your thing, try walking as fast as you can so you’re breathing. Moving the breath is important to help move the blood through your system.
2. Drink water.
Plenty of water. Water is the source of life, we all know this, but let’s act like it. Avoid single-use plastic bottled water as water that sits in plastic bottles is stagnant water. Opt for tap water if filtered water is unavailable. Always consider the energy of the water you’re consuming. If it’s in a bottle and the energy behind it is profit-making no matter the environmental and health costs, you don’t want that energy in your body. Go for the running water from a tap. (I recommend the Berkey filter for anyone who wants water without pharmaceuticals and other toxins).
3. Eat warm, light foods.
Avoid red meats, heavy oily foods, fried foods anything that feels heavy. Opt for fruits and veggies, lightly cooked veggies are preferable. A nice bowl of lentils with gentle warming spices can also help move any stagnant energy.
4. Walk barefoot in the dirt.
Take your shoes off and connect with Mother Earth. The energy of the warming earth is a great way to really connect with the seasons and remember who you are. Look deeply at the flowers and study them deeply.
These are just a few things you can do to shake off the doldrums of the cold and wet seasons of late winter and spring and melt into Summer. Happy sunshine!